
Then, All at Once

Last Sunday I hit send on my first book manuscript for review by the publisher. It’s been nearly three years in the making, full of twists and turns, a roundtrip Transatlantic move with my family, tens of thousands of discarded written words, and two hiatuses totaling twelve whole months in length. It’s been a long time coming and damn does it feel good to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

If you don’t know already, it’s a book on entrepreneurial ecosystems co-authored with Brad Feld. We use the concept of complex adaptive systems to explain the behavior of startup communities and entrepreneurial ecosystems. A defining characteristic of complex systems is a process known as emergence. This occurs when the “parts” of a system interact in a way that produces value in novel and unexpected ways. Nobody is in control and the ultimate outcome is difficult or impossible to predict in advance.